The groundbreaking ceremony took place in April 2020 in the immediate vicinity of Berlin Brandenburg Airport. After a construction period of 14 months, we were able to hand over the finished car park with 2,036 parking spaces to the client. The parking garage is primarily used by BER passengers, who can park here cheaply and comfortably. McParking runs a shuttle service to the airport for quick transport.
During the construction period, around 7,500 m³ of earth was moved and 1,100 m³ of concrete was installed for the foundations alone. The impressive multi-storey car park was created from 1,150 tons of steel and approx. 4,700 m³ of concrete for the ceiling surfaces. With a total area of 41,665 m², this is currently the largest parking garage in Berlin. There are also 44 charging points for e-vehicles.
To classify the size: At 96 x 64 m, it just misses the minimum size required by FIFA for soccer fields of 100 x 64 m.